Improving the quality and nature of mental health services
About PBRNs
Practice-Based Research Network
A Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) is a group of providers and stakeholders that considers practice-relevant questions and issues, partners with researchers to study and answer these questions, and uses findings to make immediate improvements to the quality and nature of mental health services. Our network, titled the Recovery Oriented Care Collaborative (ROCC), was established in 2013 with an initial grant award from the Southern California Clinical & Translational Science Institute in Los Angeles. Our PBRN involves partnerships among 4 major mental health agencies in the LA area including Didi Hirsch, Exodus Recovery, Mental Health America-Los Angeles and Pacific Clinics, along with the University of Southern California, School of Social Work and the University of California, Los Angeles, Semel Institute.
The ROCC is a Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) with a mission to improve the quality of physical health and mental health services provided to individuals with serious mental illness living in Southern California and to help reduce socially determined disparities in physical health/mental health that lower quality of life for this population. The ROCC is designed to facilitate participatory research and partnerships among community-based organizations, physical health and mental health care providers, mental health consumers and experienced researchers to examine factors that directly impact innovations and best practices in treatment and service delivery systems for individuals with serious mental illness. The focus of the collaborative is to identify pertinent areas of research that can produce effective and immediate improvements in community-based health/mental health care for this vulnerable and underserved population.